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New Exercise Alert: Association Avalanche
What is Association Avalanche? Picture this: you've got a challenge in front of you that's as stubborn as a mule on a hot summer day. That's where Association Avalanche swoops in to save the day. Here's the deal – you take a few minutes and jot down completely random associations with your challenge. And I mean random. Think ‘gummy bears’ and ‘mountaineering’ kind of random. Zero to mild judgment here.
Now, here's the fun part: you sit back and watch the magic unfold. Those crazy, seemingly unrelated ideas start doing the tango in your brain, and suddenly, you're hit with a bolt of inspiration. It's like a lightbulb moment on steroids.
Why Association Avalanche Works: Why does this whole madness work, you ask? Well, it's all about tapping into your brain's secret superpower – associative memory. See, your noggin is wired to connect the dots between ideas, even if those dots are galaxies apart. By forcing your brain to make these wild associations, you're basically giving it a workout, and creativity is its biceps.
Divergent thinking, the good ol' cousin of creativity, gets a boost, and before you know it, you're thinking in 4D. Einstein would be proud.
How To Choose Association Avalanche
We designed Association Avalanche for the 15-30 minute short ideator session.
Step 1: When starting an ideator session, click “short ideator“
Step 2: When on the game wheel, click on “Association Avalanche” instead of “spin the wheel.” It’s our little hack.